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Farming For Beginners

Best Poultry Farming For Beginners For High Profits

May 31, 2021 / Poultry / By RF Staff


Following a poultry farming for beginners guide will help you a lot for setting up your new poultry farming business. As poultry farming has already proven to be lucrative business, so you may be willing to start a farm for your new source of income.

In broad, poultry farming means raising various types of domestic birds commercially for the purpose of meat, eggs and feather production. But here we are describing poultry farming for beginners guide about chickens.


Chicken’s products are among the major source of animal protein, aside from beef, pork and fish. And chickens are already an integral part of human life. Small scale poultry production fulfill the animal nutrition demand for a family.


But large scale or commercial basis poultry farming offer an opportunity for the people to earn big amount of money. That’s why there are many poultry farms out there.


Poultry farming is a suitable business for the people who are passionate about livestock farming, keeping birds and who are comfortable with farm life. Poultry farming is a highly profitable business if you can run it properly under acceptable methods and conditions conducive for the birds.


Poultry Farming For Beginners

Actually each type of farming business follows specific operational principles for making good profit. And when such principles are ignored by the farm management system, it results in serious loses.


So before starting, it is wise to learn more about the business. Take some time and try to understand why most of the poultry farmers make good profits and some of them fail.


Some of the farmers, especially beginners have been forced out of the business when they could not operate it properly and thus lose money. Successful poultry farming business is involved with lot of works and it’s easy at the same time.

But it’s not a lazy man’s business. You have to do everything timely and perfectly according to a plan. However, here we are trying to discuss details about poultry farming for beginners.


How to Start the Business

Follow the step by step process for starting your new poultry farming business. Starting a poultry farming business is easy and involved with lots of regular work at the same time. Here we are tying to include all details you will need for the business.


Have Your Investment Ready

Poultry farming requires investment. You can arrange the money by your own or you can apply for bank loan. Both govt. and non-govt. bank loans are available for starting poultry farming business.

You should contact your desired bank for the loan process. As a beginner, you should start with a minimum number of birds which will cost you pretty less money.


Production Type

First of all determine the production type of your poultry farm. You can raise broiler chickens for meat production purpose and choose layers if you want to produce eggs commercially.


You can also start your poultry farm for selling poultry products and breeding stocks directly to your local customers. Determine your production purpose, proper poultry breeds according to your desired production and go for the detailed planning.


Set Farm Location

Selecting a good farm location for your business is very important. You should such a location which has all required facilities and favorable for your business.

It can be slightly far from the town, where land and labor is pretty cheap. But don’t setup the farm too far from the town. Because most of the towns have high density population, and you have to target that market.

Also try to avoid setting up the farm in residential areas, because poultry farms produce offensive odor. While ing the farm location, consider transportation system and medication facilities also.


Construct House

After ing farm location, construct a good house for your birds. Ensure all required facilities are available in the new house. There are three types of poultry housing system you can use.


Extensive, semi intensive and intensive. For commercial production, intensive system is most convenient. You can raise your birds in floor or in cage system.

On an average, broiler poultry needs about 2.5 square feet space and layer poultry needs about 4 square feet space. For example, if you want to raise 200 layers then you have to ensure about 800 square feet space is available.


About 4 square feet space is required per bird in cage system. Don’t forget to add proper lighting and ventilation system in the house.


Purchase Required Equipment

You need to purchase some equipment for your poultry farm. List of required equipment are listed below for running a poultry farm successfully.

  • Feeders
  • Waterers
  • Nests
  • Cages
  • Coops
  • Crates
  • Incubator
  • Egg tray
  • Lighting instruments
  • Perches
  • Brooders or heaters
  • Ventilation system
  • Waste disposal system


Labor or Manpower

Based on the number of birds, you need more or less manpower/labor. As a beginner, if you start with a minimum number of birds (200-500) then you can manage your farm by yourself easily. If you plan for raising more birds then you will need additional manpower. Ensure cheap labor is available in your ed area.


Purchasing Chicks

After setting everything up and having everything ready, purchase quality chicks from trusted breeder in your area and start caring them. Set the brooder ready before arriving the chicks from breeding house to your farm.

As a beginner, it is wise to start with day old chicks instead of older chicks. If you are a complete beginner without any prior experience, keep the number of chicks to minimum (anyhow not more than 500).



Feeding is the most important part of poultry farming business. After constructing house and purchasing equipment and chicks, you have to spend a large amount of money for feeding your birds.

About 70% of your total project expenses will go towards the feeding. And the success in the business also depends on quality and adequate feeding. You can purchase the feed ingredients from the market and prepare the feed by yourself or purchase ready-made poultry feeds from the market.

Different types of commercial poultry feeds are available in the market for each type of birds. Please review the following webpages for more details about poultry feeding.

  • Broiler poultry feed
  • Layer poultry feed


Health Management

As we have mentioned above, you have to ensure proper medication system in your area. Poultry birds are prone to various types of diseases and you have to be ready for controlling them.


We know ‘prevention is better than cure’, so you have to be conscious and take proper care of your birds to keep them safe. Vaccinate them timely and always try to provide them fresh water and food. Also stock some required vaccine and medicine so that you can use them when needed.



Good marketing strategies influence the profit from your business. If you can sell your products in the market easily, then it will encourage you in getting more production.


We always recommend determining marketing facilities in your area before starting any farming business. Because your business will not be much profitable if you can’t market your products properly.



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