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Ostrich Meat


Ostrich Meat

Ostrich meat has lower cholesterol than beef, but higher iron levels than other meat types.

Ostrich meat is low-fat red meat, rich in iron, produced in sustainable, mostly free-range farming systems. Birds are raised to about 90 kg and then processed under humane and Halaal conditions.


The production of ostrich meat in South Africa follows stringent quality monitoring processes, ensuring meat can be traced back to the farm of origin.



Processing of Ostrich Meat

The farming and processing of ostriches follow a cycle, which includes a rest period of a few months after breeding. Therefore processing slows down from April to August. 


Very high standards are demanded of both South African ostrich farmers and South African ostrich abattoirs, this includes human handling of animals pre-slaughter. Ostriches are prone to stress, so it is important to reduce stress prior to slaughter to prevent an increase in pH, which may lead to tough, dry meat.


Abattoirs are monitored and certified by registered veterinarians to comply with import requirements of the European Union, whereafter permits are issued by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF). 


According to DAFF ostriches must be placed in quarantine for at least 14 days before slaughter. These quarantine camps must be tick-free to avoid the possible transmission of Congo fever, while inoculation of ostriches against Newcastle disease is compulsory.  


All South Africa ostriches must have an identification tag, with a unique code that allows the meat to be traced to a registered farm of origin. A farm must be registered for at least six months before birds can be presented for slaughter.


No growth stimulants or hormonal treatment of ostriches are allowed.



Ostrich Meat Products

The main months for the availability for fresh ostrich meat is September to March.


As their wings are small and they have flat breastbones, most ostrich meat is sourced from the legs. Ostrich meat, despite being from a bird, is classified as red meat and is, in fact, darker than that of beef. 


Favourite forms of ostrich meat for local consumption are ostrich wors (sausage) and biltong (a dried and spiced meat). South African ostrich meat is exported as fillet, steaks, mince, burger patties and goulash cubes.


Other ostrich products include pre-grilled ostrich steak, ostrich trimmings, carpaccio and ostrich paté.  



Fat Content of Ostrich Meat

A pepper-crusted ostrich fillet.

Ostrich fillet, steak, goulash and mince are considered extra lean and have been endorsed by the South African Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Ostrich meat is extremely popular in Europe, due to its health characteristics - low in cholesterol and fat. Most of the bird’s fat is stored under the skin and in the abdominal cavity. Gender has no effect on meat yield in young ostriches but females birds tend to have more fat than males.


Studies in 2012 found that by enriching the diet of ostriches with linseed by 4% and 8%, the flavour and fat content (respectively) were positively influenced. An increase of 4% in linseed also reduced the cooking loss and increased the ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids. 

The fat content of ostrich meat is 2.8 g per 100 g of meat, significantly less compared with beef 9.3 g, turkey 7.4 g and chicken 5.0 g.



Export of Ostrich Meat

Due to the seasonal nature of fresh ostrich meat, a technique has been developed for the heat treatment of ostrich meat to allow for year-round availability. Pre-grilling of ostrich meat involves heating the core of the meat to 70°C. The portions are then frozen, in which form it is perfectly acceptable for export to the EU. Pre-grilled meat (fillets and steaks) allows for easy and fast preparation by the consumer. Ostrich meat is also available as a chilled or frozen product, as individually vacuum-sealed portions and bulk-packed.


Piet Kleyn, chairman of the Ostrich Business Chamber in Oudtshoorn, states that regular blood samples are required from farms and abattoirs. This is part of a standard monitoring programme to ensure ostriches are free from chemicals such as growth hormones. In South Africa, the ostrich industry does not use growth hormones or other chemicals banned by the EU.



Ostrich Production

Ostrich production in South Africa is unique in the sense that it is a low-carbon footprint, sustainable and socially responsible farming system that produces healthy and lean animal protein and by-products of high quality in rural areas, often associated with arid climates. Ostriches can be farmed in intensive free-range systems, which accommodate basic rights of freedom or in extensive systems. Extensive ostrich farming systems are carefully managed to protect the environment and natural vegetation.



Ostrich Production Systems

The ostrich breeding season is eight months, followed by a rest period of four months. Eggs may be hatched by the breeding pair, but most often, eggs are collected after laying and transferred to hatcheries with incubators, for an incubation period of 42 days. Female ostriches produce 40 - 60 eggs per breeding season. After laying an initial clutch (a group of eggs), the dominant female starts the incubation with the male. An ostrich hen, in a female group, will lay every other day.


Eggs are collected daily, inspected, cleaned and incubated in artificial incubators. The hen will always be left with a few nest eggs to hatch so as not to upset her future reproductive cycle. In these artificial incubators, temperature and humidity are carefully regulated and eggs are rotated 4 to 8 times per day, to allow for the proper development of the chicks. Newly hatched ostrich chicks are very sensitive, therefore, very careful and dedicated management is required. Chicks are kept in facilities very similar to their natural environment and quickly form social clusters, often bonding with their human carers.


Ostriches are very fast-growing and can achieve a slaughter weight of about 90 kg in 10 - 12 months. They are taken to specialised ostrich abattoirs, that comply with and are certified to European standards. Processing allows for complete utilization with no wastage. Feathers, meat and leather are the products produced. At specialised processing plants, ostrich skins are tanned before being sent on for further processing into leather goods and feather products. Ostrich meat is cut into fillets, steaks and trimmings and can be sold fresh or frozen as raw or pre-grilled.



Ostrich Production Figures

According to the ‘Profile of the South African Ostrich Market Value Chain’ (2017) compiled by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF), the average gross value of ostrich production in South Africa amounted to R391 million over the past ten years. There was a peak in production in 2009/10 to the value of R514 million (9 201 tonnes) and another peak in 2015/16 at almost R530 million. Drastic decreases were due to the outbreak of avian influenza (bird flu) in April 2011. This has led to the culling of 50 000 ostriches.


In 2015, South Africa was declared disease-free, which lead to an increase in exports, which picked up in 2016 with a 120 % increase from 2015. According to Mosstrich, ostrich abattoir in Mossel Bay, about 3 640 tonnes of ostrich meat was produced in 2018. Before the ban in 2011, exports of South African ostrich meat and products contributed about R1.2 billion annually. Up to 2011, about 98% were exported to the European Union and the rest to African and the Far East - mostly Hong Kong (72%) and Vietnam (15%).


The bulk of South African ostrich meat was exported to Belgium (42%) followed by Germany (17%), Netherlands (15%), France (13%), and Switzerland (9%). The United Kingdom has been the lowest importer with only 1% of the total of EU exports. After 2011 there were no exports to Asia, according to DAFF. In terms of export to Africa and beyond, figures - peaking in 2014 - saw Mauritius importing the most (10 600 kg), followed by Zimbabwe (6 000 kg) and Mozambique (4 600 kg).



By Marinda Louw


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