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Milk SA


Milk SA

Milk SA is a non-profit organisation that was established in 2002 to represent the common interests of all the dairy producers and processors of South Africa.


Milk South Africa represents the two main associations within the dairy industry. These are The Milk Producers’ Organization (MPO) which represents the primary milk producers and The South African Milk Processors’ Organisation (SAMPRO), which incorporates the secondary industry members.


After the closure of the government-controlled Milk Board, there would have been a vacuum left where common strategic matters could be addressed or dealt with and all parties along the milk value chain could collaborate. Following this, it was decided to establish an organisation that represented both entities in their common goals.


The two organisations agreed to a statutory levy imposed on each litre of milk and this would be collected and administered by Milk South Africa. This was granted by the Minister of Agriculture through consultation with the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) and the producers, farmers, and processors.


This has led to effective communication across the industry, and with a wide range of businesses and trade vendors who support the efforts of Milk SA.


Milk SA consists of a board of ten directors consisting of directors nominated by the members and by MPO and SAMPRO from across the country. An executive and operations team manages the administration and logistics of the organisation.



Services of Milk SA

Milk South Africa provides its members with assistance on research and development and provision of technical information including the funding on the many projects that are undertaken in the industry.


This could be trials on new breeds or crossbreeds that could be more suitable to the African conditions or feed and veterinary trials and tests for the primary producer or farmer. 


Milk SA also assists their secondary sector members with market research and consumer trends. One of the most important factors in the marketplaces today is food safety.


There are a host of certifications that are required by both the farmer or primary producers of milk or milk products and the processors before their product can be presented to the consumer on the supermarket shelves.


Milk SA also makes sure that the interests of all parties in the milk value chain are represented in setting standards for the marketplace by the Dairy Standards Agency. This ensures that the standards are upheld which in turn protects all role-players in the industry.


They also provide consumer education on the health benefits of dairy products. This is done through programs to schools, in-store promotions and the publishing of pamphlets and booklets.


Milk SA also provides statistical information on the production and sales of the products which assists members with forward planning.



Membership of Milk SA

Milk South Africa membership incorporates all producers of milk or dairy products that are produced for the sale and marketing of dairy products in South Africa, as well as for dairy products that are destined for the export market.


The membership of Milk SA is defined by the organisations and manufacturers who are liable to pay the statutory levies as instructed by the Minister of Agriculture. Membership of Milk SA is therefore determined through the payment of this levy. There are two main organisations which are member organisations of Milk SA.


The first one is The Milk Producers’ Organisation (MPO), and the members of the Milk Producers’ Organisation include dairy farmers and some additional secondary milk and dairy sector role players.


The second organisation is The South African Milk Processors’ Organisation, (SAMPRO). The members of the South African Milk Producers’ Organisation include producers of processed dairy products such as long-life milk, yogurt, butter, cheese, whey products, condensed milk, fermented milk, buttermilk, and milk powder.


Other dairy industry service providers and role-players such as transporters, wholesalers, retailers, and other service providers can also become associate members of Milk SA in order to assist them to stay informed of developments across the dairy world.




Membership Benefits of Milk SA

Members of Milk South Africa receive regular industry communication from the organisation relating to any changes and developments within the industry in South Africa and around the world.


They run programmes to educate and inform the consumer about the nutrition and health benefits of dairy which helps drive sales and s consumer comfort.


Information days and shows are arranged where the different role-players in the dairy industry can network and expand their knowledge of the industry they are part of.


They provide continuous research and development to improve the quality and safety of dairy products to ensure consumer satisfaction and safety.


Milk SA publishes reliable statistical and other information so that role players can make informed decisions regarding their businesses.


Promote the South African dairy trade dispensation.


They also initiate, co-ordinate, and fund research and development projects from farming level throughout the manufacturing processes and all this in turn improves the dairy industry’s competitiveness both locally and internationally.


The organisation arranges the transfer of knowledge and skills through training programs for members’ workforce and to previously disadvantaged persons.


Milk SA’s objective is to promote the industry in a positive light to retail, wholesale and suppliers. The organisation has also assisted the industry with transformation and empowerment initiatives in their individual organisations.


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