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FMD 11 April 2022


Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development announces animals vaccination campaign


2 Mar 2022


Vaccination to control the outbreak of Foot-and-Mouth disease in Kwazulu-Natal


The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development would like to announce the animals vaccination campaign that will take place in the Disease Management Area (DMA), following the outbreak of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) in the new hotspot KwaHlabisa, KwaZulu-Natal.


The outbreak is showing signs of active spread and some of the newly affected diptanks are close to the boundary of the DMA and the Hluhluwe Umfolozi Game Reserve. This situation warrants the use of vaccination to reduce the viral load and, thus, control further spread of the disease.



At this stage, the vaccination will be limited to cattle within the DMA, in order to slow down the spread of the disease, as well as to prevent spread outside the DMA and into the game reserve. The intention is also not to vaccinate all animals inside the DMA, but only as necessary, to contain the spread of the disease. A risk-based approach will be followed, to ensure that the areas at highest risk are vaccinated first. It is estimated that 40 000 animals will be vaccinated during the initial vaccination campaign, which will commence this month.



Communities that are affected by this decision will be engaged by the KZN Veterinary Services in the next few weeks, prior to vaccination. Market access support to these communities will be provided as and when appropriate.


The department is actively engaging with a panel of implementing agents that have the expertise, to undertake certain identified functions aimed at supporting farmers within the DMA who have been affected by FMD control measures and movement controls in the past 8 months.



The movement protocol and permit system for movement of cloven-hoofed animals remains in place in the reduced DMA. A renewed call is made to all stakeholders to continue complying with the movement restrictions that are still in place, as these restrictions are necessary to prevent the escape of the virus out of the affected areas and, therefore, shorten the duration of the outbreak.



Movement of cloven-hoofed animals and their products into, out of, through, or within the reduced DMA is still only allowed on authority of a permit issued by the veterinary services of the area. The movement protocol can be obtained from KZN Veterinary Services. Livestock owners are encouraged to submit all applications for movement to the Provincial Veterinary Movement Control Officers for evaluation and risk assessment.


Applications and queries can be submitted to sends e-mail). Visible ceterinary patrols and roadblocks will remain in place in the reduced DMA, to control the movement of livestock and to monitor adherence to the movement protocol.



In January 2022, there was a sudden flare up of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease outbreak in KwaZulu-Natal, which was first reported in May 2021. A new cluster of infected diptanks was identified in Hlabisa, between the two clusters previously affected. This new cluster is still within the reduced DMA in KwaZulu-Natal, however, it remains in communal grazing land, where all epidemiologically linked diptanks are at a high risk of infection.




Reggie Ngcobo

Cell: 066 298 0980

E-mail: sends e-mail)

Issued by: Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

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